Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine Submission

This page is designed to help you ensure your submission is ready for and fits the scope of the journal.

Before submitting you should read over the guidelines below:



Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine (CPC-EM) is a distinct affiliated journal of the MEDLINE-indexed, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WestJEM), offering patient care case reports and images (still and video). A special focus is on bedside, point-of-care ultrasound videos. It is fully open-access, peer-reviewed, and freely available worldwide. CPC-EM encourages case reports and image submissions from junior authors (students, residents and fellows), as well as faculty of established and developing international Emergency Medicine (EM) programs. Most papers have both a junior and senior author, fostering our mentorship goal. As evidenced by some 400 submissions/year, there is a clear demand for publication and dissemination of this important clinical content.

Focus and Scope

Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine (CPC-EM) is a leading international, open-access journal that publishes high-quality case reports, case series, clinicopathological cases (CPCs), and medical legal reports with special focus on point-of-care ultrasound videos. It focuses on cutting-edge advancements at the forefront of emergency medicine (EM), providing clinicians with critical information on the newest diseases and treatments in the field. It also publishes CPCs for educators­, analyzing and emphasizing complex diagnostic processes, and medico-legal cases for clinicians elucidating legal pitfalls in EM. Through free and  unrestricted international dissemination of this important clinical content, CPC-EM aims to serve as an asset to researchers and to meet the needs of all groups in healthcare.

Submission Checklist

CPC-EM Case Report Guidelines


Please review the submission guidelines here.


To be considered for external review and publication, case reports must describe a very rare or unique clinical condition that demonstrates major importance and impact towards public and population health in emergency medicine. Authors are encouraged to submit case reports that are educational/beneficial, furthering knowledge in emergency medicine. Abstracts should be no more than 100 words, and reports should be no more than 1750 words. Please note that figures, illustrations, or videos are highly recommended to be included (maximum of 3 figures / tables.) The case report should not be submitted if a similar case report has previously been published in CPC-EM.



CPC-EM Images in Emergency Medicine Guidelines



Please review the submission guidelines here.


Submissions are limited to 300 words. All Images submissions must have at least 1 Figure/Table/Image; no more than 3 Figures/Tables/Images are permitted per submission. We highly encourage both videos (ultrasound and otherwise) and high quality images. However, it is important to cross reference any media with our image bank on our website to avoid similar publications. In our review and publication process, we make an active effort to avoid submissions that create redundancy within our journal.

CPC-EM Clinicopathological Cases Guidelines


Please review the submission guidelines here.

Copyright Notice

The following is an agreement between Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine (the Journal) and the submitter (the Author), governing the work currently being submitted, including the primary contribution as well as any supporting materials such as an abstract, data sets, media files, figures, or tables created by the Author and any co-authors (the Submission).

The Journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to readers or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

1. As consideration for publication in the Journal, the Author grants the Journal the following rights:
1.1. A non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free right to publish, reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform and distribute the Work in perpetuity throughout the world in all means of expression by any method or media now known or hereafter developed; and
1.2. A non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free right to license others, including databases or printing vendors, to do any or all of the above on a non-exclusive basis.

2. The Author warrants that:
2.1. The Author is the author of the Submission, or is authorized to act on behalf of the author(s) and copyright holder (if different from the author(s)), and has the power to convey the rights granted in this agreement.
2.2. If the Submission has multiple authors, the other authors are identified in the Submission, and the Author will inform the other authors of the terms of this agreement.
2.3. Any textual, graphic or multimedia material included in the Submission that is the intellectual property or work of another is identified and cited in the Submission.
2.4. If the Submission reproduces any material that is the intellectual property of another, the Author has received permission to publish that material in the Submission, or the material is being incorporated based on an informed, reasonable, and good faith application of fair use.
2.5. The Submission is the original work of the Author(s). To the best of the Author’s knowledge, it does not contain matter that is obscene, libelous, or defamatory; it does not knowingly violate another’s right of privacy, right of publicity, or other legal right; does not contain false or misleading statements; and is otherwise not unlawful.
2.6. The Submission has not been previously published, and is not pending review elsewhere. If this is not the case, the Author will provide the Journal with information about the other locations where the Submission appears or is pending review. Prior distribution of a Submission, including on a preprint server or in a repository, does not disqualify a Submission from potential publication; the Journal is primarily concerned with other appearances in similar publications.
2.7. If the Author is a student, the Author agrees to share their work and waive any privacy rights granted by FERPA or any other law, policy or regulation, with respect to the Submission, for the purpose of publication. If the Author has any student co-authors, the Author will obtain a signed copy of this agreement from those co-authors.

3. Indemnification
The Author will indemnify and hold the Journal harmless against loss, damages, expenses, awards, and judgments arising from breach of any of the above warranties.

4. Author’s Rights and Obligations
4.1. Nothing in this agreement constitutes a transfer of the copyright by the Author. As such, the Author retains all rights not expressly granted herein, including but not limited to, the right:
4.1.1. To reproduce and distribute the Submission, and to authorize others to reproduce and distribute the Submission, in any format;
4.1.2. To post the Submission in an institutional repository or the Author’s personal or departmental web page.
4.1.3. To include the Submission, in whole or in part, in another work.
4.2. If the Author distributes the Submission on another website or in another publication (as described above), the Journal will be cited as the source of first publication.

5. Rights for Readers
The Journal and the Author agree that the Submission will be distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), or other later version of the same license, that allows others to copy, distribute, translate, adapt, and build upon the Submission, even commercially, as long as they provide appropriate credit to the author(s). Anyone who uses or redistributes the Submission under this license must indicate any changes that were made, must link to the license, and cannot imply that the author(s) endorse them or their use. More information about this license is available at

6. Termination
The Author agrees to the terms of this agreement for the Submission being considered for publication. If the Submission is declined, this agreement is terminated.

Peer Review

CPC-EM adhere to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publications.1 All manuscripts submitted to the CPC-EM undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, whereas the authors and reviewers are blinded from each other’s names or affiliations. Editors are not to disclose the confidentiality of reviewers or authors. Details of the review are not revealed to the authors until review is complete and an official decision on the manuscript is made. Editors, editorial staff and reviewers are not to discuss publicly any authors’ works until publication. Manuscripts sent for review are privileged information and are the sole property of the authors’ until publication, at which time the manuscript is under the creative common license. For more information, click here.


All section editors assign at least 3-5 reviewers to whom the identities of the authors remain anonymous. Reviewers provide thorough feedback on the assigned article and make recommendations to the editors regarding the following:


  • Critique of the methodology

  • The impact and strength of the article

  • Significant limitations that need to be addressed

  • Are tables and figures relevant and suitable to the manuscript

  • Comments on the clarify, brevity and grammar


The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors will register the final decision. The reviewer’s identity will remain confidential throughout the peer review process.


Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine allows the following licences for submission:

  • CC BY 4.0
    Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Publication Fees

Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine (CPC-EM)

If the first author of the accepted article is a full-time member of a WestJEM department subscription, there is a 20% reduced fee for an accepted article to CPC EM. This page allows authors with accepted CPC EM manuscripts to submit the article processing fee. This fee is only required for accepted manuscripts to CPC EM. There is no fee for editorials, nor is there a fee to submit an article. CPC EM is willing to waive the article processing fee after the article has been accepted for authors who come from low income or lower middle income countries on a case by case basis. Please contact if you believe you qualify for this fee waiver only after your article has been accepted.

  • CPC-EM Image - Discounted Price $400 (rather than $500)
  • CPC-EM Case Report - Discounted Price $600 (rather than $750)
  • CPC-EM Case Series - Discounted Price $800 (rather than $1000)

Additional benefits of becoming a faculty department subscription to WestJEM can be found here.

If you would like to become a department subscriber click here. If you have any questions, please contact or call 1-800-884-2236.

Please click here for the article processing fee payment portal.

Publication Cycle

This journal published continuously all year round/publishes in issues every 3 months.


Section or article type

Public Submissions

Peer Reviewed


Clinicopathological Cases

Clinicopathological Cases from the University of Maryland

Case Series

Case Reports

Images in Emergency Medicine

Letters to the Editor

ACOEP Case Reports (Invitation Only)

ACOEP Images in Emergency Medicine (by Invitation Only)

ACOEP Clinicopathological Cases (Invitation Only)