Collaborative Unit Construction in Korean: Pivot Turns
- Hee Ju (University of California - Los Angeles)
This study examines how Korean speakers make pivot turns using particles and predicates as increments while coordinating their action in relation to a recipient's response moment-to-moment. The study discusses the speaker’s organization of syntax and prosody in the design of pivot turns and demonstrates how pivot turns emerge from stance negotiation between participants. The analysis shows how interlocutors take into account multimodal resources, including talk, prosody, and gestures, during their negotiation of stance. Finally, the study suggests that Korean interlocutors construct units collaboratively as speakers turn the trajectory of talk to modify their stance through pivot turns.
Keywords: Pivot turns, grammar and interaction, multimodal resources, stance-taking, Applied Linguistics, East Asian Languages and Societies, Social Sciences
How to Cite:
Ju, H., (2011) “Collaborative Unit Construction in Korean: Pivot Turns”, Crossroads of Language, Interaction and Culture 8(1).