Electronic Green Journal
electronic green journalThe Electronic Green Journal (EGJ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal dedicated to sharing international environmental information.
Since its inception in July of 1994, EGJ has been one of the first peer-reviewed environmental journals to promote an open access publishing model. Today, EGJ follows the Diamond Open Access model, with no fees to either readers or authors.
EGJ is supported by the University of California Los Angeles Library and published by eScholarship, which is powered by the California Digital Library. eScholarship provides open access scholarly publishing services to the University of California.
sustainability natural resources management urban sustainability environmental policy environmental education Environmental information sustainable libraries green librariesTRANSMODERNITY
transmodernityTRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of Luso-Hispanic and U.S. Latino literary and cultural studies, is published by eScholarship and is part of the University of California. The Journal promotes the study of marginalized areas of Luso-Hispanic cultural production of any period and invites submissions of unpublished studies dealing with peripheral cultural production in the Luso-Hispanic world. It also welcomes relevant interdisciplinary work, interviews and book reviews, as they relate to “South-to-South” dynamics between formerly colonized peoples. Although the Journal is mostly devoted to non-canonical work, it will consider articles that rethink canonical texts from postcolonial and transmodern approaches.
New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession
new chaucer studies: pedagogy and professionSponsored by the New Chaucer Society, New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession offers essays, news, and resources for teachers and scholars of Geoffrey Chaucer and his age. Published annually, this peer-reviewed, open-access journal is dedicated to our work inside both the classroom and the institution, as well as to our outward-facing work contributing to the public discourse. In these ways, the journal seeks to advance a broad and embracing conception of medieval literary studies.
react/review: a responsive journal for art and architecture
react/review: a responsive journal for art and architecturereact/review is an annual peer-reviewed responsive journal dedicated to research by emerging scholars in art and architectural history and related fields. Affiliated with the Department of the History of Art & Architecture at the University of California, Santa Barbara, the journal is produced by graduate students and early career contingent scholars from across the UC system. Every other issue takes its theme from the biennial spring symposium organized by UCSB Art History graduate students. Conference presenters who deliver outstanding papers are then invited to contribute feature articles, subject to peer review, to an upcoming issue. In keeping with the discursive spirit promoted by the symposium, react/review is a responsive journal in which feature articles are followed by brief critical responses by editors. This dynamic format aims to engage our readers and develop conversations that began at the symposium. During years that do not correspond with the symposium, react/review releases an open call for its “special issues,” starting with Volume 5. The themes for these special issues are decided on by the journal’s co-managing editors.
In addition to commissioned feature articles, react/review is open to unsolicited submissions for feature articles, spotlight articles, exhibition reviews, and book reviews. A CFP is distributed every spring. Feature articles are akin to a research essay. Spotlight articles are open-ended, short-form contributions that discuss new research findings, speculate on pressing research questions, or address methodological issues encountered in fieldwork or archival research. We also invite short pieces reviewing recent exhibitions or publications related to the theme of the current issue.
Urban planning architecture material culture Art History visual culture Architectural HistoryLamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies
lamma: a journal of libyan studiesLamma is an academic journal that aims to provide a forum for understanding critically the complex ideas, values, social configurations, histories, and material realities in Libya. Recognizing, and insisting on, the urgent need for such a forum, we give attention to as wide a range of disciplines, sources, and approaches as possible, foregrounding especially those that have previously received less scholarly attention. Lamma is a space where these fields interact and draw from one another. It is a platform where scholars and students from inside and outside of Libya gather to redefine and reshape “Libyan Studies.” For these reasons the journal takes its name from the Arabic word لمّة (lamma) “a gathering.”
Africa North Africa Mediterranean Social Sciences Humanities Libya Libyan Studies SWANA StudiesTerritories
territoriesTerritories is an international journal that covers the evolution of theories, notions and concepts, facts and interpretations of empirical analysis related to the field of regional studies. The journal aims to publish original research from an interdisciplinary angle, which deals with the economic, socio-political, environmental and philosophical dimensions of urban and non-urban (post-national) regions. The specific goal of Territories stands on the study, debate and intellectual argument on how the global scenario provokes a new understanding, recognition and evolution of regional realities around the world, which go beyond the national concept. This journal will publish papers that engage with the economic, cultural and political conditions that have a founded impact towards regional realities, and vice versa. It is important to note that this reverse angle is crucial to understand the global scene today. Territories represents a new agora where to bring critical perspectives that may help to understand and change the current hegemonic conditions.
Cultural Studies Ethnic Studies urban studies Comparative Literature Diaspora Studies Regional StudiesCritical Planning
critical planningCritical Planning Journal is a peer-reviewed, graduate student-run journal housed in the UCLA Urban Planning Department. CPJ began in 1993 as a forum for the urban studies and planning communities to debate current issues, showcase emerging research, and propose new ideas concerning cities and regions. The journal attracts submissions from scholars, graduate students, and practitioners from across disciplinary boundaries and from around the world. The core mission of Critical Planning Journal is to promote criticality and social justice.
Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography
biogeographia – the journal of integrative biogeographyBiogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography is the scientific journal of the Italian Biogeography Society (SIB, https://www.biogeografia.it [in Italian only]). Since 1970, it publishes original research and reviews on any topic in biogeography.
biogeographyUC Irvine Law Review
uc irvine law review A journal.UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational and Comparative Law
uc irvine journal of international, transnational and comparative lawWestern Journal of Emergency Medicine
western journal of emergency medicineWestern Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Emergency Medicine is the specialty which most closely reflects societal challenges and consequences of public policy decisions. The emergency department specifically deals with social injustice, health and economic disparities, violence, substance abuse, and disaster preparedness and response. This journal focuses on how emergency care affects the health of the community and population, and conversely, how these societal challenges affect the composition of the patient population who seek care in the emergency department. The development of better systems to provide emergency care, including technology solutions, is critical to enhancing population health.
Parks Stewardship Forum
parks stewardship forumParks Stewardship Forum (e-ISSN: 2688-187X) is an online, interdisciplinary, open-access journal co-published by the University of California, Berkeley’s Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity (IPPB)and the George Wright Society. PSF explores innovative thinking and offers enduring perspectives on critical issues across the whole spectrum of place-based heritage management and stewardship. It is the only professional conservation journal with an interdisciplinary focus, publishing insights from all fields related to parks, protected/conserved areas, cultural sites, community-valued areas and sites, and other forms of place-based conservation.
PSF combines intellectual rigor with grounded applicability to reach a broad audience of academics and practitioners. It is ideal for authors who wish to see their work reach both the research community and those who are directly responsible for place-based conservation.
PSF is published on two websites: one, aimed at scholarly use (https://escholarship.org/uc/psf), is hosted on the University of California’s eScholarship platform; this the system you with which you are currently interacting. The other, optimized for online reading (https://parks.berkeley.edu/psf), is hosted in the IPPB website. The content is identical; only the web interface is different.
More information on the co-publishers:
UCB Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity (https://parks.berkeley.edu)
George Wright Society (https://www.georgewrightsociety.org)
Parks protected / conserved areas cultural sites place-based conservationCliodynamics: The Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution
cliodynamics: the journal of quantitative history and cultural evolutionCliodynamics is a transdisciplinary area of research integrating historical macrosociology, cultural and social evolution, economic history/cliometrics, mathematical modeling of long-term social processes, and the construction and analysis of historical databases. Cliodynamics: The Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original articles advancing the state of theoretical knowledge in this transdisciplinary area. In the broadest sense, this theoretical knowledge includes general principles that explain the functioning, dynamics, and evolution of historical societies and specific models, usually formulated as mathematical equations or computer algorithms. Cliodynamics also has empirical content that deals with discovering general historical patterns, determining empirical adequacy of key assumptions made by models, and testing theoretical predictions with data from actual historical societies. A mature, or ‘developed theory’ thus integrates models with data; the main goal of Cliodynamics is to facilitate progress towards such theory in history and cultural evolution.
This journal is available for sharing and reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International License which means that all content is freely available without charge to users and their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
Cliodynamics is a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Scopus.
mesterMester is the journal of the graduate students of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of California, Los Angeles. We are dedicated to publishing work that reflects the highest level of scholarship while pushing the limits of accepted views and convenient categories. Since 1970 we have built a reputation as one of the best student-run journals in North America, publishing articles by established scholars alongside the best work of graduate students We publish critical articles, interviews and book reviews in the fields of Spanish, Portuguese, Spanish American, Brazilian and Latino/a literature and linguistics. Mester also welcomes articles in Comparative Literature, Critical Theory and Cultural Studies. Submissions may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
The journal is now published annually, and it is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures.
Electronic, full-text access for the majority of previously published titles is available courtesy of The Internet Archive at www.archive.org.
Mester LIV welcomes submissions from transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches related to the tensions in Latin American cities..
Dance Major Journal
dance major journal A journal.Himalayan Linguistics
himalayan linguisticsHimalayan Linguistics is an online peer-reviewed journal specializing in languages of the Himalayan region. We publish articles, book reviews, book notices and field reports in the semi-annual issues of the journals. We also publish grammars, dictionaries, and text collections as free-standing publications in our “Archive” series. Himalayan Linguistics is free; that is, there is no subscription fee, and there is no fee charged to authors who publish their papers in HL. The primary reason for this — and, indeed, for using the web journal as opposed to the printed paper format — is to make the information contained in the journal accessible to scholars in developing countries, in particular the countries of the Himalayan region. Web access is steadily increasing in these areas, and this technology allows fast and affordable access to current research. It is our hope that scholars from the Himalayan region will not only be able to access Himalayan Linguistics, but will also be active contributors to it.
From 2020, Himalayan Linguistics will be a three times a year publication, with the first and third issues containing multiple articles, field reports, reviews, and book notices. The second issue will be the first of the Languages and Peoples of the Eastern Himalayan Region (LPEHR) series which subsumes North East Indian Linguistics, and will publish papers specifically related to languages of North East India, including papers presented at the North East Indian Linguistics Society (NEILS) Conferences.
Grammars, dictionaries, and texts constitute a separate series of independently published monographs referred to as the “Archive”. These have an independent numbering system (e.g. Himalayan Linguistics Archive 2 is Michael Noonan’s Chantyal Discourses) and will appear with variable frequency, as they are completed.
Each issue of Himalayan Linguistics is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) License. The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for Himalayan Linguistics is 1544-7502.
Linguistics HimalayanThe UCLA Radiological Science Proceedings
the ucla radiological science proceedingsUCLA Radiological Sciences Proceedings is a peer-reviewed medical journal administered by the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and authored by physicians and scientists worldwide. Our editorial board consists of experts in the field of radiological sciences from many different institutions.
As an online-only, open access peer-reviewed journal in radiology, UCLA Radiological Sciences Proceedings is widely read by medical students, residents, fellows, and attending radiologists. While the journal is administered by UCLA, it welcomes submissions from authors worldwide from any institution, publishing articles that focus on radiology and support the professional and educational needs of its readers for free. We also do not charge authors to submit their manuscripts for review.
California Italian Studies
california italian studiesCalifornia Italian Studies (CIS) is a digital, peer-reviewed scholarly journal committed to publishing the finest, the most innovative, and the most potentially influential scholarly work being done in the field of Italian Studies today. CIS is the expression of the California Interdisciplinary Consortium for Italian Studies (CICIS) and is financed by the following institutions of Higher education: Cal State Long Beach, Chapman, Scripps, USC, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, and UC San Diego.
CIS seeks contributions that meet one or more of the following criteria: interdisciplinarity; comparativity; criticality. Submissions should be of interest to a broad spectrum of scholars in and outside of Italian Studies. Contributions that make the best and most creative use of the journal's digital format will be especially encouraged.
By interdisciplinarity we mean work that combines within itself the practices of multiple disciplines, makes significant use of the tools of one discipline in the service of another, or relates to a cluster of other scholarly works, representing the approaches of multiple disciplines to a single topic. Relevant disciplines: medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary studies, visual studies, history of art and architecture, cultural and political geography, environmental studies, philosophy, religious studies, history of science, musicology, literary studies, film, media and new media studies, theater and performance studies, gender studies, political science, anthropology, sociology, migration and diaspora studies, classical studies, rhetoric, linguistics, ethnography and popular culture studies, and any other cross-disciplinary and comparative field of inquiry.
By comparativity we mean placing the study of the history, culture, society, artistic products, and languages of the Italian peninsula and islands, and of Italian diasporas, in relation to other geographical, cultural, and linguistic formations—for instance in the areas of Mediterranean and European studies; the study of migration to and from Italy and of regional and dialect cultures; as well as colonial, post-colonial and transnational studies.
By criticality we mean work that not only studies a given object but also engages in theoretical and/or methodological reflection on its own approach and on its implications within larger disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts.
History Italian Humanities Literature Italian StudiesTest
test A journal.Journal of Transnational American Studies
journal of transnational american studiesJTAS is a peer-reviewed journal for the critical exploration of postexceptionalist American Studies. Founded by Shelley Fisher Fishkin and Shirley Geok-lin Lim with Takayuki Tatsumi and Alfred Hornung, JTAS functions as an open-access forum for Americanists in the global academic community, where scholars are increasingly interrogating borders both within and outside the nation. We publish new essays by emerging and established scholars alongside special forums by guest editors who engage Transnational American Studies from a particular focus, as well as offering a Review section with invited book reviews and reviews of exhibitions, a Forward section featuring excerpts from new books relevant to transnational Americanist scholarship, and a Reprise section showcasing Americanist work that has attained new relevance in Transnational American Studies. We follow a double anonymized review process and do not charge author fees for publication (no APC).
We publish two issues a year and every edition is free to access online. Metrics indicating number of views are available for individual articles. In 2025, the journal had an H Index of 12.
JTAS is indexed in:
The Directory of Open Access Journals
The American Studies Journals Directory
MLA Bibliography
The Library of Congress has selected JTAS as one of a handful of online journals to be housed in the Library's permanent archive of electronic publications.
JTAS is sponsored by the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, University of Mainz, UC Santa Barbara's American Cultures and Global Contexts Center, and Stanford University's Program in American Studies, and supported by the UC-Davis Department of American Studies and Department of English. In order to facilitate the broadest possible cultural conversation about transnational American Studies, the journal will be available without cost to anyone with access to the Internet.
JTAS is published by the University of California Digital Library.
Rights for Authors
Authors retain copyright for all content published in Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS). However, authors grant to the journal the right to publish the article under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) license and to make available such content, in any format, in perpetuity. Authors may reproduce, in other contexts, content to which they possess the copyright, although in any subsequent publications JTAS should be acknowledged as the original publisher if that is the case.
Volumes 7-10 were published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Starting with Volume 11, JTAS is published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license.
Rights for the Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)
The Journal of Transnational American Studies retains the non-exclusive right to make content available in any format in perpetuity. While authors may reproduce their work in other contexts, content published in the journal will not be removed from the website even if later published elsewhere. Authors must agree to the terms of publishing in the journal listed in the JTAS author agreement.
Race and Yoga
race and yogaMainstream narratives about yoga in the U.S. often describe how the practice promotes physical and spiritual wellbeing. But, yoga practitioners and scholars rarely question who has had access to the practice since its arrival in North America, and thereby its purportedly healing and liberatory properties. Relatedly, they fail to critically interrogate the representation of the prototypical yogi in contemporary America: upper and middle-class white persons, particularly white women.
Race and Yoga is the first scholarly journal to examine issues surrounding the history, racialization, sex(ualization), and inclusivity (or lack thereof) of the yoga community.
paleobiosPaleoBios is the open-access, peer-reviewed journal produced by the University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP) since 1967. PaleoBios publishes scholarly articles on all paleontological topics. Anyone may submit a manuscript, and submissions from non-UCMP authors are encouraged. Submission is handled online through the University of California escholarship portal. PaleoBios also publishes abstract volumes for selected paleontological meetings and will consider collections of papers on appropriate topics. There are no page number limits or publication charges.
Journal of Citrus Pathology
journal of citrus pathologyThe official publication of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV).
plant-microbe interactions disease management Citrus pathology Citrus viroids graft-transmissible plant protection plant patholgoy entomology Citrus diseases Citrus virology Citrus bacteriology Citrus phytoplasmas Citrus fungi Citrus oomycetes Citrus nematodes Citrus pathogens Citrus disease epidemiology Citrus disease resistance Citrus germplasm Citrus quarantine and biosecurity Pathogen diagnostics and detection Integrated disease management (IDM) Integrated pest management (IPM) Citrus health monitoring Citrus microbiome Citrus disease modeling Citrus biotechnologyTechnology Innovations in Statistics Education
technology innovations in statistics educationTISE welcomes papers that advance our understanding of how to better teach statistics and data science using technology or how to better teach technology to future data scientists and statisticians. "Statistics" and "Data Science" should be understood to include the broader category of data literacy, data fluency, data acumen, and all other incarnations that apply to the preK-12, undergraduate, graduate, and professional educational contexts.
L2 Journal
l2 journalThe L2 Journal is an open access, fully refereed, interdisciplinary journal that aims to promote the research and the practice of language learning and teaching. It publishes articles on all aspects of applied linguistics broadly conceived, i.e., second language acquisition theory and practice, second/foreign language pedagogy, bilingualism and multilingualism, language and technology, curriculum development and teacher training, testing and evaluation. The L2 Journal unites the academic rigor of the traditional scholarly review process with the benefits of open-access publication. Timely publication and wide electronic distribution are made possible by the University of California's eScholarship Digital Information Repository.
The journal is housed in the Berkeley Language Center.
L2Journal is indexed in the following services:
- JournalsPedia
- MLA International Bibliography
- Scopus
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies
interactions: ucla journal of education and information studiesInterActions is an open access, open peer-reviewed journal hosted by the eScholarship initiative of the California Digital Library, edited and managed by graduate students, based at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. Our publication’s authors foster an open and critical dialogue with readers and colleagues through applying diverse social justice frameworks to the discussion of pressing issues in the fields of education and information.
See updated info at https://linktr.ee/InterActionsUCLA.
education Information Studies Critical DialogueBerkeley Planning Journal
berkeley planning journal The Berkeley Planning Journal is an annual peer-reviewed journal published by graduate students in the Department of City and Regional Planning (DCRP) at the University of California, Berkeley since 1985.UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology
ucla encyclopedia of egyptologyThe UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology is a digitally born resource that publishes articles on ancient Egypt from a multidisciplinary approach. All articles are peer reviewed.
UC Riverside Undergraduate Research Journal
uc riverside undergraduate research journalThe University of California Riverside Undergraduate Research Journal provides a student-edited multi-disciplinary journal that features the very best faculty-mentored undergraduate research and scholarship accomplished on our campus. This peer-review process is managed by the Student Editorial Board (SEB) with guidance from the Faculty Advisory Board (FAB), and logistical support from the Center for Undergraduate Research and Engaged Learning team. The Journal is sponsored by the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education.
International Journal of Comparative Psychology
international journal of comparative psychology The International Journal of Comparative Psychology is sponsored by the International Society for Comparative Psychology, an affiliate of the International Union of Psychological Sciences. In consonance with the goals and activities of the Society, it publishes studies on the evolution and development of behavior, broadly defined, and in all animal species; on the use of the comparative method for the understanding of behavioral processes; and the examination of the adequacy of psychological and evolutionary theories. It accepts for review articles that deal with historical and contemporary relationships between humans and other animals, that elucidate problems of homology of processes between human and non-human species, that explore the relationship between animals and changing environments, that provides an historical perspective on human evolution, that explicate fundamental concepts about human evolution, and that present research results and develop theories about the development and evolution of behavior. All papers published in the journal are open source and available free of charge, without the requirement of a journal subscription. This is invaluable for faculty and students at institutions with limited library resources in the United States and the would, to insure the widest possible dissemination of work of our authors.Berkeley Undergraduate Journal
berkeley undergraduate journalBerkeley Undergraduate Journal (BUJ) annually publishes carefully reviewed and edited scholarly work from the humanities and social sciences, highlighting the strength of undergraduate scholarship on the UC Berkeley campus.
Social Sciences HumanitiesIssues in Applied Linguistics
issues in applied linguisticsial is a refereed journal managed by scholars in the field of applied linguistics. Our aim is to publish outstanding research from faculty, independent researchers, and graduate students in the broad areas of second language acquisition, language socialization, language processing, language assessment, language pedagogy, language policy, making use of the following research methodologies (but not limited to): discourse analysis, conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, critical race theory, and psychophysiology. ial publishes articles, book reviews, and interviews with notable scholars.
Challenger Research Journal
challenger research journalThe Challenger Research Journal is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes the work from underrepresented undergraduate scholars at UC San Diego. We are a student-run, peer-reviewed journal that operates for student authors to better support them in publishing scholarly research papers.
Glossa Psycholinguistics
glossa psycholinguistics Glossa Psycholinguistics publishes contributions to the field of psycholinguistics in the broad sense. These should combine empirical and theoretical perspectives, and illuminate our understanding of the nature of language. Submissions from all fields and theoretical perspectives on any psycholinguistic topic are appropriate, as are submissions focusing on any level of linguistic analysis (sounds, words, sentences, etc.) or population (adults, children, non-native speakers, etc.). Methods and approaches include e.g. experimentation, computational modeling, corpus analyses, and cognitive neuroscience. Contributions should be of interest to psycholinguists and other scholars interested in language.Journal of Writing Assessment
journal of writing assessmentThe Journal of Writing Assessment provides a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of manuscripts from a variety of disciplines and perspectives that address topics in writing assessment. Submissions may investigate such assessment-related topics as grading and response, program assessment, historical perspectives on assessment, assessment theory, and educational measurement as well as other relevant topics. Articles are welcome from a variety of areas including K-12, college classes, large-scale assessment, and noneducational settings. We also welcome book reviews of recent publications related to writing assessment and annotated bibliographies of current issues in writing assessment.
Please refer to the submission guidelines on this page for information for authors and submission guidelines.
Journal of Right-Wing Studies
journal of right-wing studiesThe Journal of Right-Wing Studies (JRWS) is an academic journal operated by UC Berkeley’s Center for Right-Wing Studies. The Center and JRWS are nonideological and seek to promote research, dialogue, and debate on all aspects of right-wing politics, past and present, in the West and around the globe.
JRWS is proud to be an Open Access journal—freely distributed to readers worldwide, and with no economic barrier to publication for authors. We deliver reliable information and analysis about the political right to specialists and the interested public. And we showcase cutting-edge research and engaging writing in an effort to bridge the space between academia and the broader fields of journalism, activism, and public policy.
eScholarship Publishing Demo Journal
escholarship publishing demo journalThis is a demo journal for training and demonstration purposes.
publishingAmerican Indian Culture and Research Journal
american indian culture and research journalIn print since 1971, the American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ) is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary journal designed for scholars and the general public. The premier journal in Native American studies, it publishes book reviews, literature, and original scholarly papers on a wide range of issues in the fields of history, anthropology, geography, sociology, political science, health, literature, law, education, and the arts. It is published by the American Indian Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Native American Studies Indigenous Studies American Indian StudiesJournal of Astronomy in Culture
journal of astronomy in culture The Journal of Astronomy in Culture is the official journal for the International Society of Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (ISAAC).ISAAC is a professional organization, established in 1996, to promote the academic development of archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy. The goal of the Society is to maintain and further develop the professional status of these disciplines by sponsoring the Journal of Astronomy in Culture; forming ties with existing international, regional, and national academic bodies; organizing meetings; and assisting in the development of interdisciplinary projects in cultural astronomy in its widest sense.
ISAAC is responsible for the “Oxford” series of international symposia on cultural astronomy. These are held at approximately three to four-year intervals and are the principal conferences in the field of cultural astronomy. “Oxford IX” was held in Peru in 2011 and “Oxford X” in South Africa in July 2014. "Oxford XI" was held in Santiago de Compostela in Spain in September, 2017. Oxford XII will be held in La Plata, Argentina in November, 2022 and will be a joint meeting between ISAAC and SIAC.
As the main publishing arm of the Society, the Journal of Astronomy in Culture is a peer reviewed venue for the dissemination of the latest academically rigorous contributions to the field. As such, it publishes regular issues including research articles, technical reports, book reviews and scholarly comments. Journal issues are available electronically, but also as bound volumes through UC eScholarship.
Crossroads of Language, Interaction and Culture
crossroads of language, interaction and culture A journal.Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
clinical practice and cases in emergency medicine Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine (CPC-EM) is a distinct affiliated journal of the MEDLINE-indexed, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WestJEM), offering patient care case reports and images (still and video). A special focus is on bedside, point-of-care ultrasound videos. It is fully open-access, peer-reviewed, and freely available worldwide. CPC-EM encourages case reports and image submissions from junior authors (students, residents and fellows), as well as faculty of established and developing international Emergency Medicine (EM) programs. Most papers have both a junior and senior author, fostering our mentorship goal. As evidenced by some 400 submissions/year, there is a clear demand for publication and dissemination of this important clinical content.The Undergraduate Law Review at UC San Diego
the undergraduate law review at uc san diego Founded in 2020, Undergraduate Law Review at UC San Diego offers an accessible platform for students interested in legal discussion and reflection. The journal aims to publish exemplary works submitted by UC San Diego undergraduate students on relevant and impactful issues, with an emphasis on legal scholarship. Through publication, we hope to not only provide resources for, but also encourage students interested in a legal or academic career.Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society The Cognitive Science Society brings together researchers from around the world who hold a common goal: understanding the nature of the human mind. The mission of the Society is to promote Cognitive Science as a discipline, and to foster scientific interchange among researchers in various areas of study, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education. The Society is a non-profit professional organization and its activities include sponsoring an annual conference and publishing the journals Cognitive Science and TopiCS.For more information about the Society, see https://cognitivesciencesociety.org.
The CATESOL Journal
the catesol journalThe CATESOL Journal is the official, refereed journal of the CATESOL organization. CATESOL represents teachers of English language learners throughout California, promoting excellence in education and providing high-quality professional development. The CATESOL Journal is a practitioner-oriented academic journal published once to twice a year. It is listed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, and the full text is available through ERIC and the EBSCO’s Education Source database.
MELA Notes
mela notesMELA Notes serves as the official journal of the Middle East Librarians’ Association, encompassing a broad spectrum of contributions within the field of Middle Eastern Studies. The journal's scope extends beyond traditional boundaries, welcoming submissions in various forms, including articles, notices, review articles, and book reviews. While its primary focus is on Middle Eastern Studies, MELA Notes is not confined to library and information studies or bibliography, making it a versatile platform for scholars and professionals to engage with diverse topics within the broader context of the Middle East.
Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology (URJP) at UCLA
undergraduate research journal of psychology (urjp) at uclaSince its founding in 2013, the goal of the URJP has been to serve undergraduate students who are interested and involved in psychology-related research by providing a peer-reviewed platform that fosters a collaborative environment where undergraduates can receive mentorship from graduate students in psychology-related fields. Undergraduate authors are provided with the opportunity to share their work with peers and gain editorial feedback, while our UCLA undergraduate editorial committee members are provided with the opportunity to develop and refine their skills in critical thinking, reading, and evaluating research manuscripts.
The George Wright Forum
the george wright forumThe George Wright Forum is an archived journal that is not accepting new submissions.
GWF is continued by Parks Stewardship Forum, which can be found at https://escholarship.org/uc/psf
AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community
aapi nexus: policy, practice and communityPublished by UCLA’s Asian American Studies Center Press, AAPI Nexus is a national journal focusing on policies, practices and community research to benefit the nation’s burgeoning Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. AAPI Nexus draws from professional schools and applied social science scholars as well as practitioners and public policy advocates with the goal of reinvigorating Asian American Studies’ mission of serving communities and generating practical research. Published volumes have focused on Immigration, Voting, Community Development, Environmental Justice, Education, Health, Workforce issues and more.After a decade and a half of existence, AAPI Nexus became an open-access journal, a move that we hope will increase the social and political value of our contributors.
limnLimn is an experiment in outlining.
It combines the collaborative focus of a special issue of a journal with the spontaneity and interactivity of new media. Limn focuses on reconstruction and recomposition of concepts in contemporary culture. Limn is modeled on the convivial and critical features of a studio in art, architecture or design. Each episode differs from the last-different curators bring different problems and approaches to the basic concepts and tools developed in and through the process.
geodynamicaGeodynamica is a community-led Diamond Open Access Journal (DOAJ) that publishes research in the field of geodynamics.
The mission of Geodynamica is to facilitate the dissemination of scientific work by publishing high quality peer-reviewed research within its [scope]l. Geodynamica is not-for-profit, exclusively managed and supported by volunteers from the scientific community, and strives to provide scientists with a platform where they can openly communicate their science amongst themselves and to the wider public world.
Journal of Diversity and Equity in Educational Development
journal of diversity and equity in educational developmentAbout
The Journal of Diversity and Equity in Educational Development (JDEED) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal of the POD Network. The purpose of the journal is to facilitate sustained and dynamic conversations about DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) practices, theories, and possibilities in higher education educational development in a North American context.
JDEED publishes two issues per year and also makes articles in press available online before they are compiled into an issue.
An open-access journal, JDEED does not charge publication fees of any kind, including Article Processing Charges (APCs), to contributors.
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Diversity and Equity in Educational Development (JDEED) (1) publishes educational development scholarship that centers minoritized groups in a North American higher education context; and (2) implements practices and policies to diversify academic scholarship by supporting educational developers from historically minoritized backgrounds at various stages in their writing career with resources needed to advance their research projects and interests.
Diversity Equity faculty development educational development DEIBProceedings of UCLA Health
proceedings of ucla healthThis is an archive of the Proceedings of the UCLA Department of Medicine. Future additions to the proceedings will be made available at https://www.cureus.com/channels/ucladom/.